Sunday, July 8, 2012

Some early birthday gifts from sweet friends!

My Birthday is on the 19th and a friend of mine gave me a gift early, as well as a package From Chizuko and my other family in Japan. It was really soo nice of them! The Chopper key cover was bought with my own eBay bucks so I guess it doesn't count! :)


  1. OMG !! So cute !! I love the Hancock figures !!! *Q* I wish I have the money to my own one ! They look so pretty!!!And the hello kitty chopper cover is so cute too!! *love love* *wwww*

    1. Thank you!! If you look on ebay, you can find used ones or new for very cheap!! I hope you can find some! Hehe isn't it? It also protects the key from getting scratched!! :D
